Open Doors, Open Hearts

– Rabbi Sharon Brous

Click here to watch and listen.


April 13, 2024 – Pesah 5784


How can we ensure that the Passover Seder is not performative, but transformative? When we open our doors to those who are hungry, something in our hearts opens too. This is how we begin to write a new liberation story.
Since October 7, The New Israel Fund has been funding emergency support and resettlement for Israelis forced from their homes, and they have been supporting Israelis and Palestinians working together for a just future. They have now launched a campaign to feed the people of Gaza living at the brink of famine through the World Central Kitchen and The International Rescue Committee. The humanitarian crisis there is a moral catastrophe, and it is a Jewish moral obligation to feed those who are hungry. I hope you’ll join me in support of this campaign.

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Passover is an opportunity for spiritual, social, and political transformation. The triumphant journey of the Israelites from slavery to liberation was not a one-time event that occurred thousands of years ago. From the story of the Exodus from Egypt emerges the most powerful claim of our tradition: the eternal possibility that we can move from slavery to freedom, from darkness to light, from degradation to dignity. We know that none of us is free until all of us are free, but we cannot work toward liberation when we are trapped in despair. This year, we offer some tangible pathways to awaken our ability to pursue justice and freedom globally, locally, and in our own homes.


Passover Services


Seder Matching!


Haggadot, Resources, & Actions


Jam to Passover-Themed Spotify Playlists

Passover is an opportunity for spiritual, social, and political transformation. The triumphant journey of the Israelites from slavery to liberation was not a one-time event that occurred thousands of years ago. From the story of the Exodus from Egypt emerges the most powerful claim of our tradition: the eternal possibility that we can move from slavery to freedom, from darkness to light, from degradation to dignity. We know that none of us is free until all of us are free, but we cannot work toward liberation when we are trapped in despair. This year, we offer some tangible pathways to awaken our ability to pursue justice and freedom globally, locally, and in our own homes.


Passover Services


Seder Matching!


Haggadot, Resources, & Actions


Jam to Passover-Themed Spotify Playlists

Responding to the crisis in Israel and Gaza

Click here to watch, listen, and read.

-Remembering and Rebuilding Kfar Azza




-On Israel

-Importont articles featuring our partner organizations


“The meaning comes not from what we have, but what we share” – Rabbi Sharon Brous

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The Mission

IKAR’s mission is to reanimate Jewish life and develop a spiritual and moral foundation for a just and equitable society. Fusing piety and hutzpah, obligation, and inspiration, IKAR is a dynamic, multi-generational community that fosters a yearning for personal, purposeful, creative engagement in Jewish life, particularly among young and disaffected Jews. Rooted in Los Angeles and reaching globally, we strive to actively and intentionally celebrate the vibrancy and diversity of the Jewish people.